7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talisman

The Chaldean order pendant contains the symbols of the 7 stars arranged in the Chaldean order in the inner circle and the signs of the wheel of the zodiac in the outer circle. The middle part of the pendant contains seven metals, iron, lead, pure gold, silver, copper, and brass (replaces the metal, mercury). The power of the pendant is in the combination of the seven metals, in which each are connected and strengthen different qualities of the person in accordance with the star to which that particular medal is connected.

The Chaldean order connects these qualities according to a flow chart, in such a way that each one will be its right place in relation to the other, and in this way it will express its power to its maximum while maintaining harmony.

The choice of the time to make the amulet is important, and it is made according to the alignment of the stars. We make the pendant when the alignment of the stars is ideal, affording optimal conditions for infusing the pendant with the power of action. Therefore, the uniqueness of the amulet lies in the fact that one can make it only at specific times in accordance to the condition of the sky.

The pendant is a very strong protection talisman that has in its power the ability to bring success and healing to its bearer, along with supporting his personal development.


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